Things You Can Do At Home to Help Your Child At School
When you connect with your child every day, your child benefits for life. When he or she knows you care and are concerned about their education good things happen! Below are a few tips for your child’s success:
- Be involved from the get go! Instill a love for learning.
- Be a positive role model.
- Partner with your child’s teachers.
- Monitor your child’s homework, assignments, grades and attendance.
- Talk and listen to your child.
- Develop a routine or specific time for homework where you are available to help or listen if needed. You are vital to their success.
- Ensure your child is at school, on time, every day possible.
- Be sure that your child is getting adequate sleep at night.
- Volunteer at your child’s school.
- Applaud your child’s effort!
QUESTIONS: If you have questions regarding your child’s progress, please email your child’s teacher or call the School Counseling Office to schedule a conference.
Homework Request Procedure
For absences of less than 3 days, we ask that the student make arrangements directly with their teacher to get any make up work. In order to request make up work due to a lengthy absence of 3 or more days, contact the School Counseling Office at 386-749-6800 ext. 23743. Please allow 24 hours for the work to be collected from the teachers.
Para ausencias de menos de 3 días, pedimos que el estudiante haga arreglos directamente con su maestro para obtener cualquier trabajo de maquillaje. Para solicitar el trabajo debido a una larga ausencia de 3 o más días, comuníquese con la Oficina de Consejería Escolar al 386-749-6800 ext. Por favor, espere 24 horas para que el trabajo sea recogido de los maestros.
Parent Conferences
School Counselors are available for conferences throughout the school day. However, to ensure that your child's counselor is available, we recommend that you call ahead and set up an appointment. Please contact our school counseling clerk, at 386-740-9800 extension 23743. Parent/Teacher conferences are setup with at least 24-hour advanced notice and are being held via Microsoft Teams at this time or via phone conference.
Los Consejeros Escolares están disponibles para conferencias durante todo el día escolar. Sin embargo, para asegurarse de que el consejero de su hijo esté disponible, le recomendamos que llame con anticipación y concerte una cita. Comuníquese con nuestro secretario de consejería escolar, al 386-740-9800 extensión 23743. Las conferencias de padres/profesores se configuran con al menos 24 horas de antelación y se llevan a cabo a través de Microsoft Teams en este momento o a través de una conferencia telefónica.
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