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Community Service

Youth Partnership Program (YPP)- Mandatory Training

All students must attend an online YPP Volunteer Training session PRIOR to starting their community service.  Community service hours completed during middle school (including the summer between 8th and 9th grades) cannot be used towards their high school community service record.

The online training provides general guidelines on volunteering, tips to find a volunteer placement, and an overview necessary paperwork to document their service hours for the school. 

After attending the online training (see link below), students must successfully complete the post-test (see link below) and provide a completed copy to Mr. Pujol in the School Counseling Office. 

The student must attend the online YPP Volunteer Training and successfully complete the post-test in order to obtain the documentation required for approval and documentation of community service hours.   Students may also receive additional training/orientation from the recipient volunteer agency or organization. 

It is important the student understands their job role and ask questions for clarification.  If a student is asked to do anything which makes them feel uncomfortable, they should report this to their parent/guardian, school YPP coordinator, or another trusted adult.

YPP Volunteer Training (Online)

YPP Post-Test

Community Service Hours By Program

Bright Futures Scholarships:

  • Florida Academic Scholar: 100 hours

  • Florida Medallion Scholar: 75 hours

  • Florida Gold Seal CAPE Scholar: 30 hours


Distinguished Scholar Diploma: 100


Where to Volunteer

To learn more about volunteer opportunities, go to the United Way's Volunteer Center. From there, you can register and create your online profile.  

Why sign up?

  • You have access to over 100 Agencies’ Volunteer Opportunities
  • Opportunities are right here in your community
  • You can keep track of your Volunteer Hours in one place
  • You can print all of your hours for school credit


How to register?

  1. Go to
  2. Click Sign-up at the top of the page
  3. Fill in all the information
  4. Click Create An Account at the bottom
  5. Choose Causes that interests you
  6. Click Continue to Step 3
  7. Select your Interests, talents, and skills
  8. Click Continue to Step 4
  9. Select the Agencies that interest you
  10. Click Finish Sign-Up